Risk-benefit data on COVID-19 vaccine for children and adults. Two numbers from PHAC you can quote in court to justify why children should not be given the same vaccine recommendations as adults.
First number: “COVID cases deceased”. Second number: “Cumulative number of serious reports”. They show that risk/benefit factor for children is 100 higher than for adults. Updated monthly.
Note: This page is updated monthly and is written so that it can used as evidence for National Citizens’ Inquiry (NCI) and in the court, if needed.
This article provides evidence that allows ones to conduct risk-benefit analysis of COVID vaccine for children (under 20) versus that of older age groups (adults 20+ and seniors 70+) and ask questions related to the justification of the using covid vaccines for children,
This evidence is expressed by two numbers that obtained from two official sources published by Public Health Agency of Canada, listed below. The first number (N1) serves as proxy metric for “damage from covid”. The second number (N2) serves as proxy metric for “damage from covid vaccines”. The ratio N2/N1 can thus be used as a proxy metric for risk vs. benefit of vaccine
It is understood that these numbers do not count all possible damages from COVID or COVID vaccines. For example, they don’t count “COVID Cases hospitalized” , nor they count the number of “non-serious reports”. They do allow one however to conduct the same “apple-to-apple” comparison of risk to benefit ratio for different age groups, as done in this article, to arrive to the following conclusion:
Data evidence: Recommending the same vaccination protocols for children as for adults goes against the data reported by PHAC. Data reported by PHAC show that children (under 20) have over 100 times higher risk from vaccine than benefit, compared to that for adults (20+).
These are all officially published statistics, so you can quote them anywhere you need, including in the court. See “Technical details” section for screenshots and the more details on how these numbers are counted.
COVID-19 epidemiology update: “COVID-19 cases deceased”
From December 2022: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19 (Figure 4)
Prior to December 2022: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/current-situation.html (Figure 9) - use web.archive.org to retrieve old pages.
Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada
For Children (under 20)
N1 (damage from covid) = 66 = 41 (0-11 years) + 25 (12-19 years)
This is the total number of “COVID-19 cases deceased” among children younger that 20 years of age, from January 2020, as of November 16, 2022.N2 (damage from covid vaccines) = 649 = 4 (0-4 years, from Aug 2022) + 116 (5-11 years) + 397 (12-17 years) + 397 / 3 (18-19 years, estimated)
This is “Cumulative number of serious reports” among children younger than 20 years of age, from June 2021, as of November 15, 2022.
Updated on December 23, 2022
Children (under 20):
N1 (damage from covid) = 46 + 25 = 71
Updated on December 23, 2022 with data up to December 23, 2022 (n=49,612)
N2 (damage from covid vaccines) = 5 +115 + 397 + 397/3 = 649
Updated on December 22, 2022 with data up to December 9, 2022 (n=10,519).
“Cumulative number of serious reports” (Source: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety)N2 / N1 = 9.14
For adults (20+):
N1 (damage from covid) = 49,612 - 71 = 49541
N2 (damage from covid vaccines) = 10,519 - 649 = 9870
N2 / N1 = 0.19
According to official Canadian statistics, the risk-benefit ratio for children (under 20) is almost hundred (100) times higher that that for adults 20+.
It is understood that the risk-benefit ratio for children is even much higher when compared to that of elderly (70+), because the latter constitutes the vast majority (over 80%) of all COVID deaths (see Figure 4 below), while being as the same time a much smaller population (less than 20%) to compared to younger (20-60 years) population
Additional Notes:
PHAC does not report adverse reactions for all age groups, the way it reports COVID cases. Instead, it reports adverse reactions only for the following age groups: 0-5 years, 6- adverse reactions for three and the rest (i.e.18+ people combined. The data for 18-19 years is estimated as 1/3 of (12-17 years) age group.
There are grounds to believe that this first number show overreported number of children who died because of covid, because some (potentially many) of them died from other causes while being tested positive with covid.
There are grounds to believe that the second number is under-reported, potentially significantly under-reported: firstly, it takes time to report and link a health injury to vaccine, and secondly, because some of them are not reported.
The second number (N2) covers shorter time period than the first number (N1). Hence, for equal period of time N2 will be
Technical details
Below are screenshots that were taken from PHAC web-sites on November 15, 2022 for the first release of this article. They are shown to illustrate the simple computation process used for counting the numbers N1 and N2 presented above. the same process is repeated each month to provide an monthly update for this article
1st number: N1 (damage from covid).
Source: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19.
It shows the total number of children younger than 20 years who have been reported as “covid cases deceased” is 41+25=66
2nd number (N2): From https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/. It shows the number of children younger than 18 years, the severe adverse reactions of which have been reported so far: 4+116+397 = 517 . Or 517+397/3 = 649 to include the estimate for the number of children between 18 and 19 years of age.
0-4 years: 4 serious reports (serious reporting rate: 2.20 per 100,000 doses)
5-11 years: 116 serious reports (serious reporting rate: 12.48 per 100,000 doses)
12-17 years: 397 serious reports (serious reporting rate: 0??? per 100,000 doses)
Side notes:
You’ll note that the number of reporting rates is not equal to reports/doses*100,000, as one could have expected. It is thus not clear how do they compute it. Possibly, this could be an indications that one dose may cause more than one report.
Interested folks can go to the source (https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/ ) to see the numbers for 18+ years and All ages combined.
Excellent initiative. Well done!