READ ME FIRST: How to start the discussion about the "Pandemic" and "COVID" with people who still trust the government in everything it's saying.
Show this "Cases following vaccination" chart that Government publishes to those who call you "anti-vaxer", "conspiracy supporter", "misinformer", and ask them a very simple Yes/No question.
If your friend or relative accuses you of being an "anti-vaxxer" and avoids discussing vaccines or related topics with you, but they are willing to give you one last chance of 5-10 minutes to express your concerns, show them this substack article and the accompanying image below. It is important to refrain from discussing any other contentious topic related to Pandemic or COVID until they have had a chance to view and interpret this image for themselves.
The image below displays two screenshots from official Government of Canada documents. One screenshot compares the percentage of COVID-19 cases among people with different numbers of vaccine doses (link to source), while the other screenshot indicates the timeline of when Canada began administering additional doses (link to source).
Simply ask them to examine the image and respond to a straightforward Yes/No question displayed below it.
"Do you notice that the distribution of cases in each population (shown on the top graph) is published by the Government of Canada in a manner that significantly downplays the percentage of cases among individuals with more vaccine doses (dark green bars on the right) compared to those with fewer or no doses (grey and light green bars on the left)?"
When asking this question, you can remind them that Canada only began administering additional doses a few months ago, as indicated in the bottom graph.
If your friends answer "Yes" to this question, only then you can proceed to show them more details about what the "Cases following vaccination" statistics actually reveal, such as this article with step-by-step video and full analysis. Only then you can continue sharing your concerns regarding vaccines, big pharma, and WEF-controlled governments around the globe.
Most likely, however, they will not be able to say "Yes." They may remain silent or respond with statements like "I'm not the expert, and I trust the experts who produce these reports and recommendations" or "I need more time to better understand the numbers and the context before I can answer this question."
At this point, you can thank them for being willing to listen to your concerns related to what you believe is “the evidence of the intentional misinformation that was produced by the Government related to the true picture of who is dying of Covid more often - unvaccinated or people with 2nd additional doses” (PHAC picture shows that it is unvaccinated, whereas in reality it is the opposite).
Then, to conclude your conversation, regardless of how they responded to your question, ask them if they would feel safe and comfortable showing this image and asking the same question to their employer, family doctor, or any of their friends without fearing being frowned upon or labeled as an "anti-vaxxer".
And, if they did say they need more time to answer this question, kindly ask them to take as much time as they need, for the question seems very important, isn’t it?
Good luck!
If you are successful in presenting this evidence to your friends, you may not need to show them anything else. They will come to understand that if the government has engaged in such misleading practices to manipulate the public opinion, there are no limits to the extent they may go in employing similar tactics to support their claims. Furthermore, this situation is not exclusive to Canada; it can occur in any other country as well, where the influence of the pharmaceutical industry overrides ethical norms within society.
Do you know anyone who can make this relevant to Canada so we can use it here......
Less and less folks are able to be so mislead as gov sources of info take a beating due to the lies and corruption.
Traitordeau is on his last desperate political legs hence the rapid pushing of new tyrannical laws etc. Someone told me my flag on a hockey stick is disallowed somewhere. I guess Ottawa the wokeassest place i have ever been in other than Wokeville between Burlington and mississauga.