What this Newsletter is about?

This Substack is a collaborative Newsletter in support of National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) with contributions from numerous Canadians with diverse scientific, legal and medical backgrounds in support of the www.OpenCanada.info web application that tracks Open Canada datasets related to the lives and deaths of Canadians since the declaration of the pandemic.

Why subscribe?

Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

Join the crew

Do you have skills or knowledge that can help to make Canada more open and the Canadian Government more accountable? Join our team and follow us :

Email: opencanada.info@protonmail.com
Telegram: https://t.me/opencanadainfo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OpenCanada_info
Substack: https://opencanada.substack.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@opencanada-info

Subscribe to Open Canada Tracker Newsletter - OpenCanada.info

A collaborative Newsletter in support of National Citizens’ Inquiry (NCI) and Open Canada Vaccination and Vital Statistics Tracker (OpenCanada.info).

