Sitemap - 2023 - Open Canada Tracker Newsletter -

NZ Gov’t attacks whistleblower who leaked data linking COVID jabs to excess deaths but doesn’t say his data is misrepresented

Canadian gov’t accepted risks of COVID shots’ unknown safety and efficacy, Pfizer contract reveals

'Followingthecovidscience’s Newsletter': another great grass-roots resource for many of us. Includes many printouts.

CANUCK LAW: Reporting You're Not Getting Elsewhere (Do Your Own Research To Verify)

Trudeau regime puts Canadian detective on trial for investigating link between infant deaths and mRNA vaccines


Undeniable evidence on the failure of lockdowns and mandates - review of latest blogs and publications. Update on our YouTube channel

Two new Canadian portals dedicated to finding the truth and exposing lies in Canada

Can tracker explain the drastic increase of "sudden Deaths" among children and youth?

READ ME FIRST: How to start the discussion about the "Pandemic" and "COVID" with people who still trust the government in everything it's saying.

UK released All-Cause Mortality Data by Vaccination Status. Lets compare those to Canadian data.

PHAC changes how it reports vaccination data. But we cache it at GitHub and make good use of it!

Covid Deaths By Vaccination Status and By Age

High correlation between Excess Deaths reported by Statistics Canada and Booster Doses administration is observed

How the Government of Canada is manipulating their own data to claim that "vaccines significantly reduce COVID-19 cases", when the data shows the opposite.

YouTube's Community Guidelines

Risk-benefit data on COVID-19 vaccine for children and adults. Two numbers from PHAC you can quote in court to justify why children should not be given the same vaccine recommendations as adults.

Comment le gouvernement du Canada manipule ses propres statistiques pour prétendre à tort que "les vaccins réduisent les cas de COVID-19", alors que ce n'est pas le cas.

Ontario data show that vaccination makes little difference in terms of hospitalization and death rates for those below age 60

Happy, More accountable, More Transparent, New Year 2023! - New newspaper look and vision for the new year. Special New Year message from the National Citizens’ Inquiry